It is mostly in the mind. A change of mindset can lead to a change of approach.
You are addressing two issues: self-esteem and experience.
A low self-esteem is often a result of lack of confidence. This can be confidence on many fronts bust mostly personality and ideas. Experience on the other hand is earned.That is, it takes time and cannot be achieved overnight.
If you are struggling with self-esteem, the first thing to do is identify the causes and confront them by changing your attitude. Your attitude should be: “I can and if I cannot, I will learn.” For example, if you are doing offline marketing involving face-to-face encounters and you have a low self-esteem, you might have difficulties approaching people. However, you can overcome this inhibition by simply learning how to engage with people on a friendly level before talking about SFI and Tripleclicks.
With regards to the team that you already have, a good team leader will always communicate and so if you already have team members, you can begin by regularly writing to them. In addition develop a habit of reading so that you can grow in confidence about SFI topics that you write about. Remember that a good team is not necessarily the number of affiliates but the quality (that is active PSAs or CSAs) and to retain your active members you need to learn how to support them.
As I mentioned earlier there is no need to worry about experience because that will come with time. Every great team leader started somewhere and so can anyone who aspires to be one. So Just keep reading and learning new ideas as well as putting them into practice and gradually you will build experience. It is a good idea to periodically review what you have achieved, in order to make improvements next time.
In summary have faith and belief in your potential and ability and do not allow what you do not know today, lower your self-esteem because sooner or later you will know it! Share your little ideas today and in time (experience) you will be sharing greater ideas with your team.
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