Believe it or not, there are other ways. In fact you don't have to use the internet at all (although leaving out this valuable resource might really squelch a good advertising campaign!)
So, go back to the basics. What did we do before Facebook and/or Social Media came along?
The answer is that we would advertise TripleClicks items anywhere you would advertise your own items (items listed on your TConnect page or anything else you want to sell.) For instance, if you wanted to sell a TV you might advertise it on Craigslist or any classified ads. There are tons of websites that offer free classified ads and if you can incorporate pictures or graphics, all the better!
Another favorite place would be on the free ad exchange websites. You read another members ad and they will read yours. This is basically how it works. These websites are often used for programs, like SFI, but I don’t know why you can’t advertise actual items. Just read the instructions carefully to make sure this isn’t forbidden.
Of course, if you have your own website or blog this is an ideal place to advertise. You could even have a page for each product and include testimonials, pictures and anything else available to make it attractive to others. There are great banners and other marketing products under Marketing on the SFI site. You can even make your own!
Naturally, you don’t have to do all of your advertising online. You could print up flyers with a picture of the product and the website address and leave them under windshield wipers of cars. Use your creativity and target parking lots that correspond with what you are trying to sell – if you are advertising electronics, go to the parking lot of an electronics store. If it is for general merchandise, go to a store that carries a lot of different products. Make it so the area you canvas is all about what you are advertising.
Don’t just stick with leaving flyers under windshield wipers either – post them in your local stores. Grocery stores often have community bulletin boards, churches do too (although be sure and get permission), post them on telephone poles – anyplace you can think of!
Flyers aren’t the only way to advertise offline. You can take out ads in your local newspapers of course, if you have the budget for it. There are some ‘little’ newspapers that are nothing but classified ads that you could also use. These methods don’t cost too much and a lot of people like to read them while on buses or trains.
You might want to check out local events – craft fairs, holiday fairs, street fairs, farmer’s markets, flea markets and the like. If you have a friend with a booth or table, he or she might let you leave some flyers with them. Obviously, if you have your own booth or table, you will want to position your flyers somewhere in a prominent place on the table, along with business cards and even some gift certificates.
The point I’m trying to make is that Social Media is not the be-all, end-all of advertising for TripleClicks, SFI or anything else you want to promote. Use your imagination and think of all the angles and you should do very well.
For complete details,
go to:
2. How To List ECA Items In
3. How To Play A Auction In SFI
to play T Time on Triple Clicks
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