The human attributes required are
1) They need to be breathing;
2) Must have computer or smart phone;
They're willing to following directions;
4) Have some capitol to invest;
Willing to invest time and capital for a period of not less than 2 years.
Beyond that you don't know you is or isn't going to have "the right
stuff". You don't want to become a babysitter, to broke folk you got from
FREE social media sites. They are broke for a reason and you aren't a rehab
The key is in the targeted recruiting process. You need an
advertising budget to attract the appropriate socio-economic types to your
sales funnel. Paid target ad's are the only productive way to attract the right
sort. The usual and customary rules in the online recruiting are; a) 1% of the
properly targeted socio-economic traffic to any online venture are click
throughs and join. The balance bounce.
(You still wan to know who bounces). Of
the 1% who've joined, only expect 5% to be somewhat productive. Those are the
averages! That means to you need to attract 2,000 visitors to your sales funnel
to get 20 who will join. Of the 20 people only expect 1 to be productive for
awhile. Always use the 20-80 rule for productive people. This means 20% of
"1 people" will do 80% of the business for awhile. So how much
traffic do you go after?
That's never ending and as much advertising as you can
afford until you have 25 signed up affiliates duplicating your efforts on a
continuous basis. Then keep working your real job for 5 more years, while
saving all the money from SFI and investing in Swiss Franks & Gold. Always
remember your working for early retirement and nothing last's forever!
I think the most important attribute to be successful in SFI or any online business has to be a belief that the system will/can work. We don't want to have to waste time convincing a skeptic that an online business is possible and that affiliate marketing programs are not pyramid schemes. If I have to explain that SFI is not a pyramid scheme, I don't bother with that particular person any more.
Our team members need to have faith that they will reap what they sow and faith that the business can provide them with an income if they stick at it long enough.
Therefore our team must be people who are diligent, persistent and perseverant
who will not give up after only 6 months, but be willing to put in the hard
yards for a couple of years before necessarily seeing much reward.
Other important attributes are self motivation and organisational ability.
People who need someone else to tell them what to do and when to do it are not suited to run their own businesses. They need a job and a boss to give direction.
Other important attributes are self motivation and organisational ability.
People who need someone else to tell them what to do and when to do it are not suited to run their own businesses. They need a job and a boss to give direction.
So our team members need to be self starters. Team members also need
to be able to organise their time and daily activities to make room for SFI.
They need to be able to plan their time and tasks without having someone to be
accountable to. Being a procrastinator is very bad for business.
Find out how THOUSAND of people like YOU are earning their LIVING by staying home and are living their dreams right NOW.