Well SFI is no different
than any other job, if you were hired to work for a particular company
To get paid in exchange for your given job duty. Except this is your own business and you will
Be the one making or breaking it.
If you show up to your job everyday and do your work, you will get paid. But on the flip side of
It after you have been given the Job, but decide not show up, you know for sure you are not
going to get paid Just having the Job.
Staying one place doesn’t mean you will make money if you don’t do your part, We have
thousands and thousands of inactive affiliates staying with SFI without logging in for several
Months or even a year, Are they making money for staying in with SFI ?. The answer is no.
So don’t base your success by staying in, rather by working on your business day in and day out.
Now once we got that concept, here is how we can earn income and get successful.
I think you need to go back and start from the basic to understand the simple formula.
Without having a deep understanding it will be hard to move forward.
First go to your home page and click Start right under your profile picture and watch
The 6 minute video, most of us looked at it lightly and bypass that, but everything we
Want to know for our growth is right there in front of us, just to know what to look
Then Click SFI Basics and read these four easy to understand income stream to make
Your progress easier and grasp your future earning and success potential.
1. Start earning money by accumulating VersaPoints
2. Increase your earnings by generating sales at TripleClicks.com
3. Maximize your income with sponsoring and duplication
4. Add supplemental income streams (optional)
This will give you a clear understanding, Once you go through these material then
You can visit Gery’s 1-20 Rule of Success.
By doing so all this and put it in action, you will have no doubt staying with SFI
Will making you money and become successful.
To get paid in exchange for your given job duty. Except this is your own business and you will
Be the one making or breaking it.
If you show up to your job everyday and do your work, you will get paid. But on the flip side of
It after you have been given the Job, but decide not show up, you know for sure you are not
going to get paid Just having the Job.
Staying one place doesn’t mean you will make money if you don’t do your part, We have
thousands and thousands of inactive affiliates staying with SFI without logging in for several
Months or even a year, Are they making money for staying in with SFI ?. The answer is no.
So don’t base your success by staying in, rather by working on your business day in and day out.
Now once we got that concept, here is how we can earn income and get successful.
I think you need to go back and start from the basic to understand the simple formula.
Without having a deep understanding it will be hard to move forward.
First go to your home page and click Start right under your profile picture and watch
The 6 minute video, most of us looked at it lightly and bypass that, but everything we
Want to know for our growth is right there in front of us, just to know what to look
Then Click SFI Basics and read these four easy to understand income stream to make
Your progress easier and grasp your future earning and success potential.
1. Start earning money by accumulating VersaPoints
2. Increase your earnings by generating sales at TripleClicks.com
3. Maximize your income with sponsoring and duplication
4. Add supplemental income streams (optional)
This will give you a clear understanding, Once you go through these material then
You can visit Gery’s 1-20 Rule of Success.
By doing so all this and put it in action, you will have no doubt staying with SFI
Will making you money and become successful.
Join here
how to make money with sfi video
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Here you can find
your answer by clicking the link below.
Youtube video
1. How to make money with
2. SFI daily
3. How to get 1500VP
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