Some times we tend to explore all option possible just to get our adverts noticed, while we ignorantly include phrases, articles, pictures and captions which may cause serious devaluation of the adverts. Here are few things to avoid
- Never create wrong impression
In order to have more visitors or sign ups at ones gateways, many affiliates have tend to add up impressions which makes prospect click on their ads. Many of the prospects sign up to find out the they had signed up on a wrong page. Impressions such as, SFI is a fast money making business, Make money without stress, Get $200 dollars within a week. Such phrases should be avoided.
- Never lost the flow
Sometimes when prospects click on ads from another page, they expect themselves to find what was present in the ads on the website, landing page or blog. If you are trying to advertise a phone, ensure the ads leads them directly to where they can purchase the phone without stress. The price stated in the ads must be in correlation with that of the Tripleclicks page. Or if you have included a discount and they got to the main page and couldn't find it, it would send a message that the product isn't real.
- Never allow someone write your ads
This is a business you want to see grow to a greater heights, you must write your ads yourself. How would you know what you feel about a product has been well expressed by someone else. Gather more information about the product, write a suitable ads and place them. Never let your ads be written by someone else.
- Use broader keywords rather than narrowing it.
Little keywords will always yield little prospect. So If you really want to communicate to more people, you need to accumulate as many keywords as possible for the product.
- Never hide values from customers/prospects
So many affiliates have designed a strategy to allow prospect go to on their landing page to the main page, by hiding valuable informations. Always put the values first, else you may have them distracted by other things and you may end up losing them.
- Avoid grammars
Instead of trying to impress your prospects with big grammars, use simple and attractive words. Remember it's not everyone that can be impressed with big grammars neither will you always have grammarians as prospects all the time.
These are the few errors I have always tried to avoid, you could do same as well.
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