How to make money in
The fastest path to earnings if you have no money to invest.
Ladies and gents a lot of you who are inactive or barely active have mentioned that you feel like you can't do this without having the money for a standing order or to buy PSA-To-Go or even to join one of the many co-ops. You came here because you needed money not to spend money and I understand that.
I came back to SFI in 2012 because I knew this was a good program with great training that could help me get back on my feet after bad health ruined my business. I had owned or rather co-owned a budding search engine and social media network for nearly a decade and was the kind of guy who could join in on a program launch and in 72 hours I would have 80+ referrals at least 20 of them paid referrals. Program admins loved my marketing but here I was without my list, without my tools, without any money to rebuild any of it.
The worst part was realizing how much of my training I wasn't able to clearly remember because of the medications I now take and issues with Bi-Polar or Manic Depression. SFI was a first step to getting those tools back and the training back to fresh in my mind because SFI and Gery Carson had been so much of an influence on my business when I had first joined the program 10 years earlier.
Enough about me though because what you want to read is the methods I am using to get back in profit and pay for things like the $47 a month or $359 a yard niche marketing program I am in to hone those skills and improve my blogs, and my standing order each month, plus new services I am launching soon to help all of us grow.
Step 1 to making money with SFI and TripleClicks.
You might be in the same position as most SFI members when they start out. They read about the powerful end result of matching VP and that they can earn free VP for doing task and get more VP by buying products and playing games and may have burnt out on trying to buy yourself to a better pay day, or were under the false impression you had to buy things like a standing order of 125 T-credits.
Good news is, I am not asking you to buy anything because I didn't when I first started back until I was paying for my Standing order and other subscriptions, hosting etc.. out of profits from my business.
Making money is vital to long term success. You are where you are in your business because you aren't making the kind of money you know is possible but don't know if it's possible for you. You may or may not have a blog and if you do the post likely read like a series of sales letters and blatant advertising instead of being an interesting and informative read that also happens to have banners for SFI and TripleClicks.
Because of this some of you have quit, others are slowing down and contemplating quitting while you look for something else that will push a magic button and reward you on a more regular basis. Meanwhile the most important income stream in all of SFI is sitting idle, and that is the PRM or Personally Referred Member referral.
These referrals are awesome because finding them means you have researched a group of people ready to buy a certain type of product and matched them to one that fills their needs on TripleClicks. In most cases where you have nourished a buyer and sent them to the site ready to buy you will get a sale and earn 45% of the total commissions paid on that item. You also get 100% of the Sales VP that would have gone to them had they been a PSA or Personally Sponsored Affiliate.
Sell them on a product like Super High Potency Megavites, or TripleClicks Advanced Liquid nutrition and they will likely place it on standing order and pay you a minimum amount of commissions every month like clockwork and in the case of ALN just 1 sale would give you the minimum 1500VP required to be an EA2 each month.
Getting these early and easy sales means you will view your business in a more positive light, be more motivated, and you will not want to quit because getting more is a much better option.
Step 2: Once you are making money you can teach your PSA how to make money which means more of them being successful and fewer of them leaving SFI because they aren't making any money. Happy and active PSA don't break your heart and try your will and you keep them happy by showing them a clear path to profits.
Step 3 is the easiest part and that is to teach your team that you taught how to sell and make money to teach their own recruits how to make sales and get paid.
I know, it took me a lot of words to spell out your simple 3 step plan but I am praying that you find it's true meaning and see how it works in a new light because it really is that simple.
1. Learn how to make money
2. Find people to teach how to make money.
3. Teach them to find people and show them how to make money.
All it takes is 5 success stories in your PSA Pool to start massive duplication of your simple business plan. As the 5 get 5 and teach 5 who get 5 and teach 5 instead of just earning 500 free VP from daily, weekly, and monthly task, or 700VP from playing games and bidding in auctions, you will see millions of monthly VP from a very happy team in your matching VP line of your Scoreboard and your income will soon grow to far more than you make in commissions alone.
Ladies and gents a lot of you who are inactive or barely active have mentioned that you feel like you can't do this without having the money for a standing order or to buy PSA-To-Go or even to join one of the many co-ops. You came here because you needed money not to spend money and I understand that.
I came back to SFI in 2012 because I knew this was a good program with great training that could help me get back on my feet after bad health ruined my business. I had owned or rather co-owned a budding search engine and social media network for nearly a decade and was the kind of guy who could join in on a program launch and in 72 hours I would have 80+ referrals at least 20 of them paid referrals. Program admins loved my marketing but here I was without my list, without my tools, without any money to rebuild any of it.
The worst part was realizing how much of my training I wasn't able to clearly remember because of the medications I now take and issues with Bi-Polar or Manic Depression. SFI was a first step to getting those tools back and the training back to fresh in my mind because SFI and Gery Carson had been so much of an influence on my business when I had first joined the program 10 years earlier.
Enough about me though because what you want to read is the methods I am using to get back in profit and pay for things like the $47 a month or $359 a yard niche marketing program I am in to hone those skills and improve my blogs, and my standing order each month, plus new services I am launching soon to help all of us grow.
Step 1 to making money with SFI and TripleClicks.
You might be in the same position as most SFI members when they start out. They read about the powerful end result of matching VP and that they can earn free VP for doing task and get more VP by buying products and playing games and may have burnt out on trying to buy yourself to a better pay day, or were under the false impression you had to buy things like a standing order of 125 T-credits.
Good news is, I am not asking you to buy anything because I didn't when I first started back until I was paying for my Standing order and other subscriptions, hosting etc.. out of profits from my business.
Making money is vital to long term success. You are where you are in your business because you aren't making the kind of money you know is possible but don't know if it's possible for you. You may or may not have a blog and if you do the post likely read like a series of sales letters and blatant advertising instead of being an interesting and informative read that also happens to have banners for SFI and TripleClicks.
Because of this some of you have quit, others are slowing down and contemplating quitting while you look for something else that will push a magic button and reward you on a more regular basis. Meanwhile the most important income stream in all of SFI is sitting idle, and that is the PRM or Personally Referred Member referral.
These referrals are awesome because finding them means you have researched a group of people ready to buy a certain type of product and matched them to one that fills their needs on TripleClicks. In most cases where you have nourished a buyer and sent them to the site ready to buy you will get a sale and earn 45% of the total commissions paid on that item. You also get 100% of the Sales VP that would have gone to them had they been a PSA or Personally Sponsored Affiliate.
Sell them on a product like Super High Potency Megavites, or TripleClicks Advanced Liquid nutrition and they will likely place it on standing order and pay you a minimum amount of commissions every month like clockwork and in the case of ALN just 1 sale would give you the minimum 1500VP required to be an EA2 each month.
Getting these early and easy sales means you will view your business in a more positive light, be more motivated, and you will not want to quit because getting more is a much better option.
Step 2: Once you are making money you can teach your PSA how to make money which means more of them being successful and fewer of them leaving SFI because they aren't making any money. Happy and active PSA don't break your heart and try your will and you keep them happy by showing them a clear path to profits.
Step 3 is the easiest part and that is to teach your team that you taught how to sell and make money to teach their own recruits how to make sales and get paid.
I know, it took me a lot of words to spell out your simple 3 step plan but I am praying that you find it's true meaning and see how it works in a new light because it really is that simple.
1. Learn how to make money
2. Find people to teach how to make money.
3. Teach them to find people and show them how to make money.
All it takes is 5 success stories in your PSA Pool to start massive duplication of your simple business plan. As the 5 get 5 and teach 5 who get 5 and teach 5 instead of just earning 500 free VP from daily, weekly, and monthly task, or 700VP from playing games and bidding in auctions, you will see millions of monthly VP from a very happy team in your matching VP line of your Scoreboard and your income will soon grow to far more than you make in commissions alone.
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How to make money with
SFI daily task
to get 1500VP in SFI
You can earn $20 for filling a 20 minute survey!
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