This is a subject that comes up quite often and this in itself suggests communication is an essential ingredient for both team leadership and team membership.
Communication is important in all aspects of our lives and when it comes to online work such as SFI, where there is little or no face-to-face interaction, one has to make use of the various resources of correspondence at our disposal to share ideas and also help others.
A problem, an idea or message that cannot be shared or communicated is as good as unopened gift box. The gift is of no use until it gets out of the box!
Among others, the various power tools for communication at SFI include:
1. PSA, CSA mailer and Genealogy.
2. Email.
3. Contact phone numbers, where available.
4. E-cards.
5. Live chat.
6. Forum.
7. Stream
8. ASK SC.
9. a2a.
10. SFI Support service.
You can emphasise to your affiliates that by making use of these tools they cannot only get answers to their problems but also help to address the concerns of their team members and learn from the experience and knowledge of fellow affiliates.
As an example, let us say one is very good at recruiting new PSAs. Even if there are hundreds of PSAs in the team, if the team leader does not correspond with them from the time they join (starting with a welcome message), the chances are that most of them will remain inactive. Of course there will be some PSAs who are self-motivated and can proceed with little help from the sponsor.
Another example is of a team leader who fails to reply to questions from PSAs or CSAs. In this case the team members may feel ignored and fear that their success is being exploited.
To summarise, communication is key to both learning and team bonding for the success of both the leader and the members.
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