Friday, April 1, 2016

I use testimonials from the Testimonials Gateway to gain interest and sign-ups for SFI business

I use testimonials from the Testimonials Gateway to gain interest and sign-ups for SFI business

When something new is encountered in business or anything in Life people tend to be cautious.

They would not just jump in to it even if it is offered free of cost. In fact, when something is offered free, their apprehension will only grow more. They will suspect the intention with which something is offered free of cost. This is the tendency of any ordinary person in this world.

SFI business offers huge income earning opportunity to every one around the globe today. It is proven and tested. It’s founded by an ordinary person like you and me about 30 years ago.

Over the years, because of his strenuous work and tireless efforts SFI has grown to the extent today where many people from different walks of life are earning an income every month. This list only keeps growing every day.

The people who thus have grown and won here, out of their own volition and with a feeling of deep gratitude to SFI, they are placing their Testimonials with an intention that these can help every other person to join SFI and start earning an income.

If we read these testimonials we can understand their joy and excitement of being an SFI member.

Having understood the intention and spirit behind all these Testimonials, it would be a good idea to share them with people of our choice. How can we do it?

A1. First, prepare a List of your Close Friends/Family Members/Co-Workers & Neighbor hood people in your Area.

2. Based on their family back ground, interest in business activities, please short list the Names.

3. Invite them on a week end or Holidays when they will be free at home, & host them Dinner at your Place.

4. While inviting them, just give a hint of what you are trying to do that day.

5. Have their confirmation of participation.

6. Mean time, have a clear agenda of what you want to present on that appointed day within a reasonable short duration.

7. When they all arrive on that day, after a warm welcome with a delicious juice, making them comfortable, please get on with the presentation using your PC or Laptop via a Projector on SFI & TripleClicks.

8. Have a question and session mid way through.

9. Finally, please play select Testimonials (5 to 10 in numbers from different countries if possible some thing from your own Country) and share them.

10. In case you have products bought from TripleClicks or any ECAs show them and explain about the price, delivery, etc.

11. While talking about TripleClicks, show some of the products of their interest, their prices, commission volume involved and how these can be effectively used for their Home or promoted to earn income.

18.Thus arousing their interest, host the delicious home prepared dinner for them. After few days or at the right time, follow up with them again. This is one way of doing. This is direct approach.

B1. When ever you send E-mails to your friends, relatives or clients use the Testimonial Gateway ( with your SFI ID as your signature below your Name. It can create a kind of curiosity in some of their mind. When they visit, read and understand they may do a sign up.

2. This is another way of leading people to the Testimonials, make them read & revert back to you or do a sign up immediately.

C1. The next method can be: SFI has created many Marketing Methods backed up by adequate Marketing Aids.

2. Decide on your requirement. Choose the appropriate Marketing Aid. Use it duly providing the Testimonial Gateway (with your SFI ID) in Places like your Social Media Group, Personal Web Page, and Personal Blog.

3. You can also use them in case you know any leading Bloggers, after discussion and mutual agreement, in their Personal Blogs.

4. Visit Marketing Methods ( & Marketing Aids ( &
use the appropriate means in all your promotional materials including Flyers, Hand Bills, Notices, etc. Do not forget to lead receivers/readers to few Testimonials.

All these will help in creating interest in the minds of the people. That is the starting point. The real keen one will contact you for clarifications or better understanding and from then it all depends on your caliber to convert them in to fresh signs under you.

Youtube video links:
1.       How to make money with SFI

2.       SFI daily task 

3.       How to get 1500VP in SFI


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